We invite you to submit your original work to BCS HCI 2023 in one of the following tracks below:
Submit by 10 July 2023 (extended)
All contributions are peer reviewed, juried or curated by the members of the BCS HCI Programme Committee.
Submission Topics
User Experience, usability testing and interaction design
- Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing
- User-centred design tools and methods
- Affective computing, digital empathy, empathic design and emotional HCI
- Human-data interaction and interactive machine learning
- Interaction and design for accessibility
- Visual analytics, information presentation and visualisation
- Ethnographic studies in human computer interaction
Education and Health
- eHealth, digital healthcare studies and usability of medical devices
- Assistive technology
- Interaction in education
- Human-data interaction and interactive machine learning
- Usability and design of eLearning, educational tools and platforms
- Child-computer interaction studies
Smart Energy, Smart Transport and the Internet of Things
- Sustainability and smart energy
- Interacting with self-driving vehicles and smart transport systems
- Interactive Internet of Things
Interaction Technologies and Applications
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Interfaces for sound, audio and music
- Eye tracking and psycho-physiological studies
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Human-robot interaction
- Wearable technologies
- Interface and interaction design for games/gaming